Affordable plans designed for every student’s needs. Start with a free trial and get personalized tutoring, AI-powered essay assistance, and real-time feedback.
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Access to 200,000+ Quizzes across 800 Topics in IB
Basic hints and feedback on study responses
Basic feedback on essay grading
Summarized IB Notes
Flashcards for each topic
per year, billed annually
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Everything in Free, and...
Unlimited Advanced hints and feedback on study responses
Advanced hints and feedback on study responses
Studying Analytics
Mock Exams
AI-enabled Essay Assistant
In depth progress reports
Advanced feedback on essay grading
Personalized Study Plan
per month, billed monthly
All features option
Everything in Free, and...
Unlimited Advanced hints and feedback on study responses
Advanced hints and feedback on study responses
Studying Analytics
Mock Exams
AI-enabled Essay Assistant
In depth progress reports
Advanced feedback on essay grading
Personalized Study Plan